Tuesday 4 November 2008

The ebay-paypal-credit card saga comes to an end?

I really didn't imagine that me buying three Harvest Moon games on ebay would span over that many posts. Here's a recap:
Part 1: tried to get a credit card, help from a friend, ordered the games
Part 2: received first two bootlegs, complained
Part 3: the first bootleger is no longer an ebay member
Intermezzo: waiting for one more game, being prepared for a bootleg
Part 4: Finally received the third game. This time a very well made bootleg.
Part 5: The second bootlegger wanted revenge

And now, for the much anticipated Part 6 of the great ebay-paypal-credit card saga, brought to you on blogspot.com, directed by Synth, starring Synth, Ana, two bootleggers and people from paypal and ebay. Only on Synth's corner from 4th November 2008.

Last time I left you with the unpaid item strike the 2nd seller gave me. Of course that didn't last long because he had no grounds to file it. I got an email from ebay telling me they lifted it, but if tehre will be a next time, I should follow the proper procedure for lifting it. I replied to them that I WOULD have followed the procedure, but the seller is an unreasonable one, so I decided to directly appeal.
I also received a reply from PayPal saying that there's nothing they can do. Well, at least I tried. But I also got a good email from PayPal, telling me I won the dispute against the first seller and I got my money back. Unfortunately the money I got back doesn't reduce increase the limit of money I can still send. And that brings me to the next point.
Ana and me found a way for us to use PayPal! One of the banks here offers Visa Electron to students for free. It's not a credit card, but a debit card, but it's supposed to work with PayPal! So far Ana has applied, but I will too soon. Now we are waiting to receive it, should be any day now.
When I checked on ebay yesterday I saw that the second seller changed his username. And when I checked today, he wasn't a member anymore! Yaaaay! Did my email to Nintendo help? Did too many people (that I warned) reported him? I don't know and will probably never find out.
In the end, I know that this is somewhat of a Sisyphean task: even if I push one bootlegger away, they can just sign in using a different account. All I can do is make them waste some money for the refunds.

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