Saturday 22 November 2008

Season's break

Two of the series I watch, Smallville and Supernatural, are now on an almost-2-month break. Which means it's time for a recap (so I'll know where they left off when they start again).

Smallville: Clark lost his powers (again) and the Martian helped him restore them and started working at the Daily Planet. Chloe used her Brainiac powers to save Clark and Kara from the Phantom Zone, later got amnesia, gained back her memories but lost the knowledge about Clark's secret. Clark reinstalled the fortress of solitude, which Brainiac overtook and painted black. Davis fell in love with Chloe, but she married Jimmy. Davis is actually Zod's son, the great destroyer. Lana interrupted an almost kiss between Clark and Lois. She also seems to be a double-agent. Davis transformed, kidnapped Chloe and took her to the black fortress. Someone that's probably Lex was shown from behind with tubes in him watching Chloe's wedding video.

Supernatural: Castiel! He's so ultra cute and cool! Uhm, yeah... Dean got rescued from hell after 4 months (on earth), but it was morel ike 40 years for him. Sam practiced his demon ESP with Ruby, with whom he also had sex. Lilith is trying to break 66 seals so Lucifer can walk free. Seems that Dean is supposed to play an important role, that's why they saved him. Then a girl, Anna, could hear angels talking. After a hypnosis she remembered that she used to be an angel, then she and Dean had sex in his car. Both demons and angels wanted her. She got her powers back and disappeared (for now). Dean finally said that in hell he had been tortured for 30 years until breaking and then he started torturing others.

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