Sunday 28 September 2008

Harvest Moon rant

No, this is not a new title in the series, just me blowing off some steam in regards to this otherwise great game series.

My girlfriend and I are both Harvest Moon fans. She also has a soft spot for doctors and hence wants to marry one in the games, but so far no luck. In HMDS Cute she couldn't because neither of us owns a GBA game to trigger the Mineral Town visitors (among which is Trent, a doctor). But even if so, we heard that the GBA-DS connection doesn't work in all games. Because we'll have a Wii in a few months we started looking at HM games for it. ToT doesn't have a doctor in it, but Magical Melody does. BUT! While porting it on the Wii they "forgot" to add the female main character!!! And there's no PAL version of this game!

The next thing: In IoH I was happy that the eggplants ripened and picked them up for the crop contest the following day. They also were rank A, so I was looking forward for my next wodnerful. BUT! They lost a rank over the night so I can't win now!!! If only I had left them in the field for one more day...

And the bugs in HMDS.. Locking on the first entered dish at the contest, losing the marriage to a Mineral town girl, being unable to marry the Harvest Goddess or the Witch Princess. And in HMDS Cute they took out the possibility of having a lesbian marriage.

But still after all the frustration I keep liking the game and being an addict...

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